Brand Dispensette® S Bottle-top Dispensers, Analogue, 0.2ml - 2ml, Without Recirculation Valve
Product Description
The Dispensette® S bottle-top dispenser is easy to use, safe and efficient. Suitable for solvents, acids, alkalis or saline solutions. Available with and without recirculation valve on discharge tube.
Dispensette® S (red colour-code) is ideal for dispensing aggressive reagents, including concentrated bases and acids such as H3PO4, H2SO4 (except e.g., HCl, HNO3 und HF), saline solutions, as well as many organic solvents.
Analogue-adjustable models: Quick and safe volume setting with new internal scalloped track. Simple calibration adjustment with tool supplied.
Accessories available to support special applications such as long series dispensing, sterile applications and moisture-sensitive media. Please contact us for more information.
Supplied: Dispensette® S bottle-top dispenser, for threaded bottles GL 45, DE-M marking, with performance certificate, telescoping filling tube, mounting tool and adapters of polypropylene (Nominal volume: 1, 2, 5, 10ml: GL 24-25, GL 28/S28, GL 32-33, GL38, S40 / Nominal volume 25, 50, 100ml: GL 32-33, GL38, S40).
- Features
- Specifications
Product Features List:
- Efficient volume adjustment
- Fast priming
- Minimum operating forces required during dispensing, maximum comfort
- Hinged screw cap doesn’t get in the way when dispensing
- Large view port on discharge tube
- Telescoping filling tube adjusts to different bottle sizes
- New valve system: Discharge valve with safety ball closes when discharge tube is not mounted. No sealing rings required
- Easy to dissemble for cleaning
- Suitable for challenging continuous operation and with aggressive media
- Wide range of applications for organic solvents, acids, alkalis and saline solutions